Foreword (March 2025)
By John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors) and Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson and Co-Editor)
Welcome to the March 2025 edition of FoodLegal
This month’s edition contains a plethora of hot news
items as there have been many recent law changes and developments. Many of
these are of vital importance to food businesses, suppliers, importers,
manufacturers and brand owners. Numerous companies are now retaining FoodLegal
to monitor in more detail special updates relevant to their product categories
or industry sectors.
1. Connect
with FoodLegal
with FoodLegal on LinkedIn to ensure that you never miss an update!
2. FoodLegal
A. FoodLegal
and ACCC event on mandatory Food and Grocery Code of Conduct – Thursday 20
March 2025 The
new mandatory Food and Grocery Code of Conduct comes into effect in April. You
will hear the ACCC’s Grocery Code enforcement leader speaking together with
FoodLegal’s experts on the practical Dos and Don’ts. At
this webinar, being run jointly by FoodLegal and the ACCC, will give food
suppliers the information they need to understand the changes, their rights
and their obligations, and to take appropriate preparatory and implementation
actions. Secure
your tickets here. B. Health
Marketing & how it impacts your food labels – Wednesday 2 April 2025 This
workshop will give you the tools you need to market the nutritional, healthy
or functional aspects of your product. Learn how to make the most of your
health marketing while avoiding mistakes that could lead to regulatory risk..
Tickets are available here. C. Food
Labelling 101 – Wednesday 30 April 2025 Our
popular Food Labelling 101 course is back! We will dive beyond how to
navigate the Food standards Code and give you the tools to ensure your food
product is compliant for import or sale in Australia and New Zealand. Tickets are available here. |
3. In
this March 2025 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin
Our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and internationally” provides the latest regulatory
developments and updates. There have been many news developments over the past
month and it is vital to read these updates. FoodLegal can advise businesses on
the impact of specific updates to their particular situation.
“New product recall procedures introduced by TGA for therapeutic goods in Australia” addresses new steps and responsibilities that businesses need
to be aware of in relation to the new processes for recalls.
“Product design marketing fallout from recent Federal Court landmark copyright decision”, has wide implications for both private label
retailers and food suppliers. This new decision by this Federal Court of
Australia judgment provides an additional legal weapon to prevent product ‘get
up’ imitations.
“What is the status of green tea extract in caffeinated beverages and other foods following the latest novel food decision by the ACNF?”, there
are issues especially impacting many caffeinated products and companies that
use green tea extracts.
We hope you
enjoy this March 2025 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!
Thisgaard, Jenny
Awad and Joe Lederman
FoodLegal Bulletin
This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 6 Mar 2025. We recommend you seek legal advice for your specific circumstances before making any commercial decisions.