Foreword (April 2023)

By John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors) and Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson and Co-Editor)

Welcome to the April 2023 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

1.    Connect with FoodLegal

Connect with FoodLegal on LinkedIn to ensure that you never miss an update!


2.    FoodLegal Workshops

There is still room to join FoodLegal's upcoming workshops.

·         Food marketing essentials – Thursday 27 April 2023 9am-11ambook here.

This Workshop will explore risks and opportunities that arise when communicating your unique selling point. We will help answer questions including when can a product name or descriptor be misleading or deceptive, when can a product be marketed as ‘natural’ or ‘sustainable’, and what steps can a food business take to minimise risks from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

·         Ingredients for success – Wednesday 17 May 2023 9am-11ambook here.

This Workshop will look at the problems and solutions in constructing an ingredient list for a product label, including adding different vitamins, minerals, and additives to foods, and 'best practice' to meet compliance for different statements of ingredients.


3.    In this April 2023 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin

In this FoodLegal Bulletin, our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and internationally” updates the latest in regulatory developments and news.

In our article “Regulatory framework for control of antibiotics in Australia in relation to meat, dairy and water” we outline the relevant regulatory frameworks that exist in Australia for the administration, monitoring and thresholds for antibiotics and antibiotic residues in meat products, dairy products and drinking water.

In our article “ACCC announces enforcement priorities: impacts for food businesses”, we outline relevant compliance issues arising from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s enforcement priorities and some of the preventative steps that businesses should take to protect themselves from legal enforcement actions.

In our article “Important regulatory issues for diluted or concentrated foods”, we explore several regulatory issues that food businesses must be aware of when using concentrated or diluted ingredients including impacts on ingredient limits, labelling requirements and product claims.

In our article “New advances in Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for food industry applications”, we explore the potential technical applications of infrared spectroscopy in the food industry, in light of the latest scientific developments.

In our article “Food industry implications arising from approval of lactoferrin in infant formula”, we consider the immediate implications for infant formula manufacturers and other food businesses arising from the amended standard.

We hope you enjoy this April 2023 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad and Joe Lederman

FoodLegal Bulletin

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 20 Apr 2023. We therefore recommend you seek legal advice for your particular circumstances if you want to rely on advice or information to be a basis for any commercial decision-making by you or your business.