Foreword (October 2024)

By John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors) and Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson and Co-Editor)

Welcome to the October 2024 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

1.     Connect with FoodLegal

Connect with FoodLegal on LinkedIn to ensure that you never miss an update!

2.     FoodLegal events

A.     Health marketing & how it impacts your food label – Thursday 7 November 2024

We will take a close look at Nutrition Information Panels as well as how the nutritional profile of a product will impact its ability to make health claims and nutrition content claims.

We will help you answer questions such as:

  • What information must be included in a Nutrition Information Panel?
  • Is my product eligible to make a health claim?
  • Does my health claim require self-substantiation?
  • What are the requirements if making a nutrition content claim?
  • How serve sizes and product weight can impact your ability to make claims?

Tickets are available here.

B.     Product sustainability claims: Data and compliance issues – Wednesday 16 October 2024

This FREE 1-hour webinar will equip all food businesses with important knowledge for marketing and substantiating any product’s environmental credentials.

Tickets are available here.

C.    Trending Claims – Wednesday 27 November 2024

Our online interactive FoodLegal workshop will empower you to assess the regulatory risk of the latest emerging and trending claims. We will explore the latest Court precedents and regulatory enforcement actions that impact trending food product claims (on pack and on other advertising like social media) including:

  • Sustainable
  • Vegan friendly
  • Plant-based
  • Raw
  • Superfood
  • All Natural
  • Healthy
  • Made in Australia

Tickets are available here.

View our training calendar and other upcoming events here!

3.     In this October 2024 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin

In this FoodLegal Bulletin, our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and internationally” updates the latest in regulatory developments and news.

In “Managing customer complaints post-sale and meeting legal obligations, we address the different issues and decision-making factors that a food business should consider when handling customer complaints, while avoiding unintended regulatory and commercial consequences.

In “Species-based marketing of food products and the regulatory frameworks, we identify the advantages of species-based marketing, as well as different issues and options that food businesses can explore.

In “Queries about Australian agricultural chemicals regulatory enforcement and industry impacts” we explore the complex regulatory system and the question of multiple regulators and enforcement agencies, including funding limitations that impact stakeholders throughout the supply chain.

We hope you enjoy this October 2024 edition of FoodLegal Bulletin!

John Thisgaard, Jenny Awad and Joe Lederman

FoodLegal Bulletin

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 7 Oct 2024. We therefore recommend you seek legal advice for your particular circumstances if you want to rely on advice or information to be a basis for any commercial decision-making by you or your business.