Foreword (June-July 2020 'bumper edition')


By Joe Lederman (FoodLegal Chairperson), John Thisgaard and Jenny Awad (FoodLegal Bulletin Co-Editors)

In this June-July 2020 bumper edition of FoodLegal Bulletin

Our FREE article “Current developments in food law and policy in Australia and elsewhere” provides this month’s update on new regulatory developments and scientific developments that impact food producers and suppliers, beginning with Australia, but also internationally.

Our article “ACCC moves further into the food regulatory space with yoghurt infringement addresses why the ACCC, rather than a food regulator, took action in a recent matter involving an inaccurate ingredients list, and what this could mean for food enforcement actions moving forward.

Our article “Issues to consider when selling alcohol online, and important State-by-State differences” addresses proposed changes to the online sale of alcohol in NSW and provides a look at some of the issues to consider if selling alcohol online, including how these issues differ across State and Territory borders.

Our article “Social media risks for comments, testimonials and whether to use #ad or #sponsored explores legal risks which could arise when followers comment on social media posts, when customers provide testimonials and whether to use #ad or #sponsored, in light of real-life case situations that have arisen in Australia.

Our article “Does an allergen need to be declared if it disappears during processing?” considers the application of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and likely regulator actions in the scenario of an ingredient that disappears during processing.

Our article “How time can impact the legal obligations which apply to food” uses a number of scenarios to present arguments that link to the importance of timing for the making of a label claim or the particular composition and usage of the product. These scenarios provide useful illustrations on the importance of timing differences affecting different legal outcomes.

Our article “When might a packaged product be exempt from trade measurement requirements?” uses a number of different scenarios to consider the differences between trade measurement and other food labelling requirements and explores where this might give rise to labelling obligations under one set of regulations but not others.

We hope you enjoy this June-July 2020 "bumper edition" of FoodLegal Bulletin!

Joe Lederman, John Thisgaard and Jenny Awad

FoodLegal Bulletin



This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 23 Jun 2020. We therefore recommend you seek legal advice for your particular circumstances if you want to rely on advice or information to be a basis for any commercial decision-making by you or your business.